A Plant Inoculation Room (PIR) in a Tissue Culture Lab:
Trained technicians working in LAF cabinets at Plant Inoculation Room. All TC Labs should have demarcated clean area for Plant Inoculation Rooms (PIR) having stringent sterility conditions (Class 100-10,000 air quality)
A plant growth room in a Tissue Culture Lab:
All TC Labs should have demarcated clean area for both Plant Inoculation Rooms (PIR) and Plant Growth Rooms (PGR) having stringent sterility conditions (Class 100-10,000 air quality)
A plant growth room in a Tissue Culture Lab:
All TC Labs should have demarcated clean area for both Plant Inoculation Rooms (PIR)and Plant Growth Rooms (PGR)having stringent sterility conditions (Class 100-10,000 air quality)
T.C Plants in JIFFY POTS :
Tissue culture Grande Naine plants raised in Jiffy pots in their holding tray.
A secondary hardening centre:
Many Polyhouses of this kind with a capacity to accomodate 1 Lakh plants each are required depending upon the production capacity of the unit.

Field with excellent yield!
A Tissue culture Grande naine Banana bunches under development. Farmer:Murugan,Gudalur, Theni Dt, Tamilnadu.
Robust and Uniform Bunches !
A charcteristic feature Tissue culture Banana plants are the uniformity of bunches in all the trees in a given field.