Whatever the irrigation type, over and under watering is harmful for banana.
- Flood Irrigation:-
Conventional irrigation whereby field has to be irrigated at a regular interval of 3-5 days depending upon soil type and weather conditions.
- Drip Irrigation:-
- Drip irrigate the plants at their field capacity everyday.
- Water and fertilizer can be given through drip (fertigation).
- The quantity of water & fertilizer depends on the age of plant, soil type and climatic conditions.
- Apply additional quantity of water during cold spells to avoid chilling injury.
- Initially keep the dripper ½ feet – 1 feet away from the plant, 3 months later 11/2 feet and 6 months onwards 2 feet away.
Water requirement and optimal wetting
area for banana:
Rooting pattern
Optimal wetting area
Daily water requirement
Number of emitters per plant and
discharge rate (lph)
Root radius (m)
Root Area (m2)
1.8 x 1.8
1 x 4
Two lateral lines per row of plants is to get very high yields by adopting to 'Precision Farming Techniques' |
Optimal wetting
area for banana:
Age Wetting area in Dia around the plant
- 0 to 50 days - 60 cm dia
- 51 to 100 days - 90 cm dia
- 101 to 150 days - 120 cm dia
- 151 to Harvest - 180 cm dia
Optimal wetting area for banana |
Comparison of Water saving, Yield and Profit between
Conventional, Drip and Drip+Fertigation:
Water saving
Yield Ton / ha
Profit Rs. / ha
tional |
gation |
tional |
gation |
Both irrigation water quality and proper irrigation management are critical to successful crop production.
The quality of the
irrigation water may affect both crop yields and soil physical conditions, even
if all other conditions and cultural practices are favorable/optimal. In
addition, different crops require different irrigation water qualities.
Therefore, testing the
irrigation water prior to selecting the site and the crops to be grown is
critical. The quality of some water sources may change significantly with time
or during certain periods (such as in dry/rainy seasons), so it is recommended
to have more than one sample taken, in different time periods.
The chemical
characteristics of irrigation water refer to the content of salts in the water
as well as to parameters derived from the composition of salts in the water;
parameters such as EC/TDS (Electrical Conductivity/ Total Dissolved Solids),
SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio) alkalinity and hardness.
Standard irrigation water
testing will usually include the following chemical parameters:
Name of the element
Calcium (Ca) |
Magnesium (Mg) |
Sulphate (SO4) |
Bicarbonates (HCO3) |
Carbonates (CO3) |
Sodium (Na) |
Iron (Fe) |
Manganese (Mn) |
Boron (B) |
Fluoride (F). |
Nitrate (NO3) |
Phosphate (PO4) |
Chlorides (Cl) |
Electrical conductivity |
pH |
The chemical
quality of your irrigation water is important for the following reasons:
- Determines the suitability of the water for irrigation – your water may have high salinity (high EC), high SAR level or contain harmful elements in levels that might be toxic to your crop. Read more about irrigation water quality.
- Affects crop yields – the total salinity of the irrigation water and the level of particular elements can reduce the crop yield, if a certain threshold is exceed. This threshold is crop specific.
- Influences the fertilization program – your water may contain essential plant nutrients, like calcium, magnesium, sulphur and boron. Adequate levels of these nutrients in the irrigation water can save on fertilizer use, as nutrients present in the irrigation water are available to the plant.
- Affects the irrigation schedule - high salt level in your water may require higher application amounts in order to prevent salts to accumulate in the root zone.
For proper operation and maintenance of
drip irrigation systems, following parameters have to be tested for the water. Clogging
or Plugging of drip irrigation lines are based on the concentration of minerals
present in the irrigation water as shown here:
of drip irrigation lines hazard is based on Concentration of water
Suspended solids(filterable)
< 50
7.0 to 7.5
> 7.5
< 7.0
7.0 to 7.5
> 7.5
Dissolved solids
< 500
500 to 2000
> 2000
< 0.1
0.1 to 1.5
> 1.5
< 0.1
0.1 to 1.5
> 1.5
Hydrogen sulfide
< 0.5
0.5 to 2.0
> 2.0
Hardness as ppm
< 150
150 to 300
> 300
Bacteria (population)
< 10,000
10,000 to 50,000
> 50,000
If the mineral concentration in the water
is severe then the clogging will also
be severe in the drip irrigation PVP pipes, laterals and
All the parameters need not be studied for all
situations. If the source of water is surface water like rivers and lakes,
mostly biological impurities like algae and bacterial slime are predominant. In
such cases, other tests need not be carried out.
When water is taken from deep wells, the presence of
Hydrogen Sulfide is very less. In such cases, this test can be avoided. The
presence of hydrogen sulfide can be easily known if the water has rotten egg
The presence of
Iron can be easily known if the water has a brown colour.
Problems Related to Irrigation Water Quality:
1. Salinity - The
main problem related to irrigation water quality is the water salinity. Water
salinity refers to the total amount of salts dissolved in the water but it does
not indicate which salts are present in it.
High level of salts in the
irrigation water reduces water availability to the crop (because of osmotic
pressure) and causes yield reduction.
Above a certain threshold, reduction in crop yield is proportional to the increase in salinity level. Different crops vary in their tolerance to salinity and therefore have different thresholds and yield reduction rates.
![]() |
Salinity Stress in banana |
Above a certain threshold, reduction in crop yield is proportional to the increase in salinity level. Different crops vary in their tolerance to salinity and therefore have different thresholds and yield reduction rates.
The most common parameters
used for determining the irrigation water quality, in relation with its
salinity, are EC and TDS.
TDS ppm or mg/L |
EC dS/m
Salinity hazard
<500 | <0.8 | Low |
500 - 1000 | 0.8 - 1.6 | Medium |
1000 - 2000 | 1.6 - 3 | High |
> 2000 | > 3 | Very high |
In case the irrigation water salinity
exceeds the threshold for the crop, yield reduction occurs. Equations
were developed to estimate the yield potential, based on the irrigation water salinity.
How Salty Water Can Be Used ?
Conventional Method
In conventional method, normal Irrigation interval is when the moisture content reaches 50% of available soil moisture. Let us assume a soil mass with following data:
of salt water used for irrigation =
0.015 kg/m3
of salt water just after irrigation in soil mass = 1 m3
Volume of salt water
just before irrigation in soil mass
= 0.5 m3
concentration in soil mass = 0.0 15kg/ 0.5m3
= 0.03 kg/m3
that the concentration of salt water has increased twice.
Drip Irrigation
very short irrigation interval is adopted in drip irrigation. Let it be when
soil moisture reaches 90% of available soil moisture.
of salt water just before just next irrigation is soil mass = 0.9 × l m3
water concentration = 015 kg / 0.9 m3
= 0.016 kg / m3
The concentration of
salt water increases very slightly. When the salt content of soil water is
high, the crops do not adsorb nutrients and water and crop growth gets
How In Salty Soil The Drip Method Is
Useful ?
water moves over the root zone, the salts are dissolved from root zone and
taken to periphery of wetting zone. When water gets evaporated from soil
surface, it leaves the salt at locations as shown in Figure here below. Salt
build up is away from the root zone.
If very small rain less than 5 mm occurs,
there may be a possibility of salt build up moving into the root zone. Because
of this fact, in saline lands plants appear wilted after a small rain. The
remedy for this is, if rain is less, irrigate through drip sufficiently.
2. Sodium hazard and irrigation water
infiltration - The parameter used to determine the sodium
hazard is SAR - Sodium Adsorption Ratio. This parameter indicates the amount of
sodium in the irrigation water, in relation to calcium and magnesium. Calcium
and magnesium tend to counter the negative effect of sodium.
High SAR levels might
result in a breakdown of soil structure and water infiltration problems. Soil
tends to seal and to become hard and compact when dry.
Ironically, higher salinity
reduces the negative effect of sodium on soil structure. So, when sodium levels
in the soil are high in relation with calcium and magnesium, i.e SAR is high,
flushing the soil with good irrigation water quality will only worsen the
3. Toxicity of specific ions
The quality of the
irrigation water can be also determined by toxicity of specific ions. The difference between a
salinity problem and a toxicity problem is that toxicity occurs within the
plant itself, as a result of accumulation of a specific ion in the leaves. The most common ions which
might cause a toxicity problem are chloride, sodium and boron. The same as with
salinity, crops differ in their sensitivity to these ions.
Special attention should be
given to boron because toxicity occurs in very low concentrations, even though
it is an essential plant nutrient.
Toxic levels of even a
single ion in the irrigation water might make the water unsuitable for
irrigation. Nevertheless, there are
some management practices that can help in reducing the damage.
These practices include proper leaching, increasing the frequency of irrigations, avoiding overhead irrigation, avoiding the use of fertilizers containing chloride or boron, selecting the right crops, etc.
These practices include proper leaching, increasing the frequency of irrigations, avoiding overhead irrigation, avoiding the use of fertilizers containing chloride or boron, selecting the right crops, etc.
4. Alkalinity and pH
Alkalinity is
the sum of the amounts of bicarbonates (HCO3-),
carbonates (CO32-) and hydroxide (OH-) in water. It is
expressed as mg/l or meq/l CaCO3.
Alkalinity buffers the
water against sudden changes in pH. If the alkalinity is too low, any addition
of acidic fertilizers will immediately lower the pH. In container plants and
hydroponics, ions released by plant roots may also rapidly change the pH if
alkalinity is low.
Gypsum and other calcium supplying materials - Gypsum is the most commonly used soil amendment. Since water infiltration problems, caused by sodium, affect mainly the upper few centimeters of soil, repeated small applications of gypsum, incorporated at lower rates into a shallow depth, are preferred over a single large application.
If the salinity of the irrigation water is low (EC<0.5 ds/m), gypsum can be added to the irrigation water at rates of 1-4 meq/l of dissolved calcium.
Other amendments - when lime (CaCO3) is present in soil, some acids or acid-forming amendments can be used. These amendments cause calcium to be released to soil solution. Examples for such amendments are elemental sulfur, sulfuric acid and ferric sulfate.
Organic residues - these amendments improve soil structure and water infiltration, by keeping the soil porous.
Soil amendments and Irrigation Water Quality:
The purpose of some soil
amendments is to counter the effect of sodium, by increasing the soluble
calcium content or by increasing the salinity of the irrigation water. Gypsum and other calcium supplying materials - Gypsum is the most commonly used soil amendment. Since water infiltration problems, caused by sodium, affect mainly the upper few centimeters of soil, repeated small applications of gypsum, incorporated at lower rates into a shallow depth, are preferred over a single large application.
If the salinity of the irrigation water is low (EC<0.5 ds/m), gypsum can be added to the irrigation water at rates of 1-4 meq/l of dissolved calcium.
Other amendments - when lime (CaCO3) is present in soil, some acids or acid-forming amendments can be used. These amendments cause calcium to be released to soil solution. Examples for such amendments are elemental sulfur, sulfuric acid and ferric sulfate.
Organic residues - these amendments improve soil structure and water infiltration, by keeping the soil porous.
Blending Irrigation Water Sources
Water infiltration can be
improved either by increasing the irrigation water salinity or reducing the
By diluting the irrigation
water source with water of lower sodium concentration, the SAR of the
irrigation water is reduced, even if calcium and magnesium concentrations are
and Electrical Conductivity
Since the electrical
conductivity is a measure to the capacity of water to conduct electrical
current, it is directly related to the concentration of salts dissolved in
water, and therefore to the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Salts dissolve into
positively charged ions and negatively charged ions, which conduct electricity.
Since it is difficult to
measure TDS in the field, the electrical conductivity of the
water is used as a measure.
The electrical conductivity
of the water can be determined in a quick and inexpensive way, using portable
Distilled water does
not contain dissolved salts and, as a result, it does not conduct
electricity and has an electrical conductivity of zero.
Mechanism behind
Plugging of Emitters/Drippers in Drip Irrigation Sysytem:
Chemical Reactions
Water pumped out from deep bore well by air compressor is normally
‘Hard’ with more EC than the same water pumped out using submersible pump.
Water is often
referred to as the universal solvent since almost everything is soluble in it
to some extent. The solubility of a any material in water is controlled by
variations in temperature, pressure, pH, redox potential, and the relative
concentrations of other substances in solution. Three gases (oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide) are important in determining the solubility
characteristics of water. These gases are very reactive in water, and they
determine to a significant extent the solubility of minerals within a given
water source.
Carbon dioxide
gas is of particular importance in the dissolution and deposition of minerals.
Water absorbs some CO2 from the air, but larger quantities are
absorbed from decaying organic matter as water passes through the soil. Under
pressure, as is in groundwater, the concentration of CO2 increases
to form carbonic acid. This weak acid can readily dissolve mineral compounds
such as calcium carbonate to form calcium bicarbonate which is soluble in
water. This process allows calcium carbonate to be dissolved, transported in
the irrigation water. The bicarbonates under certain conditions again get
deposited on pipes and emitters as calcium carbonate.
In the wells with
Air Lift pumps, since the water is lifted by supplying air to the well water,
the amount of CO2 dissolved is very high. Therefore, the amount of
calcium bicarbonate dissolved from the subsurface formations is also high. Therefore,
in air lift pumps, the pipes get deposition of calcium carbonates significantly.
Chemical plugging
usually results from precipitation of one or more of the following minerals:
calcium, magnesium, iron, or manganese. The minerals precipitate from solution
and form encrustations that may partially or completely block the flow of water
through the emitter. Water containing significant amounts of these minerals and
having a pH greater than 7 has the potential to plug emitters. Particularly
common is the precipitation of calcium carbonates, which is temperature and pH
dependent. An increase in either pH or temperature reduces the solubility of
calcium in water, and results in precipitation of the mineral.
When groundwater
is pumped to the surface and discharged through a micro irrigation system, the
temperature, pressure, and pH of the water often changes. This can result in
the precipitation of calcium carbonates or other minerals to form scale on the
inside surfaces of the irrigation system components.
A simple test for
identifying calcium scale is to dissolve it with vinegar. Carbonate minerals
dissolve and release carbon dioxide gas with a hissing sound.
Iron is another
potential source of mineral deposit that can plug emitters. Iron is encountered
in practically all soils in the form of oxides, and it is often dissolved in
groundwater as ferrous bicarbonate. When exposed to air, soluble ferrous
bicarbonate oxidizes to the insoluble or colloidal ferric hydroids and
precipitates. The result is commonly referred to as 'red water,' which is
sometimes encountered in wells. Manganese will sometimes accompany iron, but
usually in lower concentrations.
Presence of
Hydrogen sulfide will minimize the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaC03)
because of its acidity. But if Iron is present, Iron sulphate is precipitated.
Bio-Chemical Reactions
Algal and
bacterial growth are major problems associated with the use of surface water.
Whole algae cells and organic residues of algae are often small enough to pass
through the filters. These algal cells
form aggregates that plug emitters. At the exit of the dripper, due to
sunlight, the plugging is very fast. Residues of decomposing algae can
accumulate in pipes and emitters to support the growth of slime-forming bacteria.
Chemical precipitation is normally not a major problem when using surface
Certain bacteria
can cause enough precipitation of manganese, sulfur, and iron compounds to
cause emitter plugging. In case of Iron, soluble ferrous in the water is oxidized
by certain bacteria into insoluble ferric form. Hydrogen sulfide is oxidized by
some bacteria into elemental Sulphur
Chemical Reactions of Fertilizers with Irrigation Water
- In water with calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates, if phosphate containing fertilizers are mixed, calcium and magnesium phosphates are formed. By reducing pH, this effect can be reduced.
- If polyphosphate fertilizers are mixed with water with Calcium and Magnesium ions, gel suspensions are formed which clog filters and drippers.
- When water contains Calcium and if sulphate fertilizers are mixed with it, Calcium sulphate is precipitated. With rise in temperature, this problem would get aggravated.
- When water contains Calcium and bicarbonate ions, mixing with Urea precipitates Calcium Oxide commonly known as lime.
- When Phosphoric acid is mixed with water containing Calcium, Calcium Phosphate is formed.
- If water contains more than 0.1 ppm of Iron, and if Calcium or Phosphate fertilizers are injected, then Iron precipitate is formed.
Note: As
it is difficult to find out what kind of chemical reaction that would occur
when mixing with any fertilizer, normally it is recommended that a following
test is conducted. The fertilizer solution equal to the same concentration with
which, it would be applied to field is kept in a container for sometime under
the same environment as that of the field. If, some precipitate get formed,
then that fertilizer should not be applied through fertigation.
If the source of irrigation water is dam,
river, irrigation channel, water would contain organic matter (algae, bacterial
slime). In such situations, chlorination is inevitable. Chlorine is an
oxidizing agent which kills bacteria, algae and
organic matter.
Normally used chlorine compounds are sodium hypochlorite
(liquid) and calcium hypochlorite (solid). Sodium hypochlorite contains 10%
chlorine. Calcium hypochlorite may cause calcium precipitation in alkaline
irrigation water, so one should be careful in using this or the pH should be
brought down by acidification. Venturi or fertilizer tank can be used for injecting the dissolved
chlorine compounds into the water.
Addition of acid to irrigation
water is done for the following situations:
- Lowering the water pH can enhance the effectiveness of chlorine.
- The pH-lowering power of acid can prevent precipitation of solid compounds, particularly calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
- Citric acid prevents iron scale formation when continuously injected at 25 ppm.
It is always recommended to neutralize 80% of the bases (carbonates
and bicarbonates) in the water to eliminate carbonate precipitation.
Caution :
Always add acid to water; do not add
water to acid. Adding water to acid can cause a violent reaction, and may cause
the acid to splash on the person pouring the water. Individuals working with
acids should wear protective clothing and eyewear.
Acids normally used are as follows:
- Hydrochloric acid ( 32% Strength)
- Sulfuric acid (93 % strength)
- Phosphoric acid (85 % strength)
Sulphuric acid is highly toxic and
hence it is not used popularly.
Phosphoric acid should not be used if there is
more than 50 ppm Ca in the irrigation water because calcium phosphate will
precipitate. Calcium phosphate is nearly insoluble and does not readily
Hydrochloric acid is very much commonly used.
Acid Treatment for Prevention of
Carbonate scales:
Acid treatment
can be continuously done to prevent the scale formation due to carbonate salts
in the water. If these salts plug the emitters and pipe, reclamation by acid
treatment becomes difficult. It is because the emitters will be discharging the
water and it takes more time for removal of the salts. Hence, if the carbonate
content is more than a critical level continuous treatment with acid for all
irrigations is recommended.
A water quality
analysis usually lists electrical conductivity in micromhos per centimeter
(mho/cm). To estimate parts per million (ppm) dissolved solids as shown in
Table.1, multiply mho/cm by 0.64. For example, if the electric conductivity
meter reads 1000 mho/cm, then dissolved solids can be estimated as 640 ppm.
Generally it is recommended that 1 litre
of HCl should be done for 1000 litres of water. The acid treatment should be
done for half an hour. The acid treatment should be done at the end of any irrigation. The water in
the pipes should be left as such for overnight and next day the system should
be flushed. During flushing first main lines should be flushed and then
laterals. Otherwise, there will be possibility of emitters getting clogged with
the removed scales.
Algae Control in Ponds and Wells:
Copper sulphate
can be used for controlling the algae growth in the ponds and wells. But if the
water is used for domestic purposes and also for animals, it is better not to
use it. Copper sulphate can be taken in
porous cloth or gunny bag and tied in such a
way that the salt is floating on the surface of the water. The
concentration of copper sulphate may be
in the range of 0.5 to 2 ppm. Following
table provides the safe levels of concentration that does not affect fish life.
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